History Form Two
Last updated: March 3, 2024
What i will learn?

The outcomes of studying History in Form Two include:

  1. Historical Knowledge: Students develop a foundational understanding of key historical events, movements, and figures, both within their own country or region and globally.

  2. Critical Thinking Skills: Students enhance their critical thinking skills by analyzing and evaluating historical sources, perspectives, and interpretations. They learn to question assumptions, assess evidence, and draw reasoned conclusions.

  3. Research and Inquiry Skills: Students develop basic research and inquiry skills, including how to locate, select, and analyze historical sources effectively. They learn to gather evidence, evaluate its reliability, and construct historical arguments based on evidence.

  4. Cultural and Social Awareness: Students gain insight into the cultural, social, political, and economic dimensions of historical events and processes. They develop an understanding of the diversity of human experiences and perspectives throughout history.

  5. Historical Empathy: Students cultivate historical empathy by considering the perspectives and experiences of people from different times and places. They develop an appreciation for the complexities of historical events and the motivations of historical actors.

  6. Communication Skills: Students enhance their communication skills by expressing their historical understanding and analysis effectively, both orally and in writing. They learn to articulate their ideas, support their arguments with evidence, and engage in respectful dialogue with others.

  7. Ethical Awareness: Students reflect on the ethical dimensions of historical inquiry and the implications of historical events for contemporary society. They develop an awareness of ethical issues such as bias, prejudice, and social justice in the study of history.

  8. Historical Citizenship: Students develop a sense of historical citizenship, understanding the relevance of history to contemporary issues and their roles as informed and engaged citizens. They recognize the importance of historical knowledge for informed decision-making and responsible civic participation.

By achieving these outcomes, students become more knowledgeable, critical, and empathetic interpreters of history, equipped to understand the complexities of the past and its implications for the present and future.


The requirements for studying History in Form Two include:

  1. Language Proficiency: Students should have a basic proficiency in the language of instruction (usually English) to understand historical texts, instructions, and discussions in class.

  2. Reading and Comprehension Skills: Students need to have adequate reading and comprehension skills to understand historical texts, primary sources, and supplementary materials.

  3. Critical Thinking Abilities: Students should be able to analyze and evaluate historical information critically, including recognizing bias, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, and assessing the reliability of sources.

  4. Research Skills: Students should develop basic research skills to locate, select, and use historical sources effectively. This includes using libraries, databases, and other resources to gather information.

  5. Interest and Engagement: Students should have an interest in history and be motivated to engage actively in discussions, debates, and activities related to historical topics.

  6. Note-Taking and Organization: Students should develop note-taking and organizational skills to keep track of key information, dates, events, and themes covered in class.

  7. Attendance and Participation: Regular attendance and active participation in class discussions, group activities, and assignments are essential for success in studying History.

  8. Respectful Behavior: Students should demonstrate respectful behavior towards their peers, teachers, and historical subjects, including listening attentively, participating constructively, and respecting diverse perspectives.

By meeting these requirements, students can effectively engage with the study of History, develop their historical knowledge and skills, and succeed academically in the subject.


In secondary level, History subject for Form Two provides students with foundational knowledge of historical events. Here is an outline of what students can learn in History for Form Two:

  1. Basic Historical Teachings: Students learn about significant events in the history of their country or region, such as the struggle for independence and political and economic developments.

  2. World History: Students also gain an understanding of major events in world history, such as ancient civilizations, the slave trade, and the industrial revolution.

  3. Social and Cultural Systems: Students learn about the social and cultural systems of ancient and contemporary societies, including political, social, and economic structures.

  4. Prominent Figures: Students learn about famous people and leaders in history, such as rulers, traders, and philosophers, and how they contributed to social and political change.

  5. Independence and National Struggles: Students gain insight into freedom movements and national struggles in the history of their countries or regions, including key figures in these movements.

  6. Consequences of Historical Events: Students learn about the impact of historical events on societies and the modern world, including social, economic, and political changes.

  7. Study of Historical Sources: Students develop skills in using various historical sources such as documents, pictures, and ancient texts to understand historical events.

  8. National and International Cooperation: Students may also learn about their country's role in international affairs and how the history of other countries is connected to their own history.

Through the History subject in Form Two, students gain a comprehensive understanding of the historical process and how it influences our lives today.
