English Form Four
Last updated: March 24, 2024
What i will learn?

The outcomes of studying English Language in Form Four include:

  1. Advanced Language Proficiency: Students develop advanced proficiency in the English language, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. They can comprehend and produce complex texts and effectively communicate in various personal, academic, and professional contexts.

  2. Enhanced Communication Skills: Students refine their communication skills by expressing themselves clearly, confidently, and persuasively in both written and spoken English. They can articulate their ideas, opinions, and arguments effectively, adapting their language and style to different purposes and audiences.

  3. Critical Thinking Abilities: Students develop critical thinking skills by analyzing and evaluating information presented in English language texts. They can assess arguments, discern bias, and draw reasoned conclusions based on evidence.

  4. Literacy in Media and Information: Students become literate in media and information by critically evaluating and interpreting information presented in various media formats. They can assess the credibility, reliability, and bias of sources and use media effectively for research and communication purposes.

  5. Academic Success: Students achieve academic success in English Language by demonstrating proficiency in standardized exams and assessments. They can apply their language skills to comprehend and respond to exam questions effectively, achieving high scores and grades.

  6. Preparation for Higher Education and Careers: Students are well-prepared for higher education and future careers that require advanced English language skills. They have the language proficiency and communication skills necessary to succeed in college, university, and professional settings.

  7. Cultural and Global Awareness: Students develop cultural and global awareness through exposure to diverse English language texts and perspectives. They gain insights into different cultures, societies, and worldviews, fostering empathy, tolerance, and understanding.

  8. Lifelong Learning and Personal Growth: Studying English Language in Form Four fosters a lifelong love of learning and personal growth. Students become lifelong learners who continue to develop their language skills, broaden their horizons, and engage critically with the world around them.

Overall, the outcomes of studying English Language in Form Four empower students with the language proficiency, critical thinking abilities, and communication skills needed to succeed academically, professionally, and personally in an increasingly interconnected and diverse world.


The requirements for studying English Language in Form Four include:

  1. Basic English Proficiency: Students should have a solid foundation in English language skills, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. They should be able to comprehend and produce English language texts at an intermediate level.

  2. Reading Skills: Students should be able to read and comprehend a variety of texts, including fiction, non-fiction, and informational texts, at a level appropriate for their grade. They should be able to extract main ideas, identify supporting details, and analyze the author's purpose and tone.

  3. Writing Skills: Students should be able to write coherently and effectively for different purposes and audiences. They should have a good grasp of English grammar, punctuation, and syntax, and be able to organize their ideas logically in written form.

  4. Listening and Speaking Skills: Students should be able to participate in oral communication activities, such as presentations, debates, and discussions, with fluency and confidence. They should be able to express themselves clearly and articulate their thoughts and opinions effectively.

  5. Critical Thinking Abilities: Students should have the ability to think critically and analyze information presented in English language texts. They should be able to evaluate arguments, assess evidence, and draw logical conclusions.

  6. Study Habits and Time Management: Students should possess effective study habits and time management skills to keep up with the demands of the English Language curriculum, including reading assignments, writing tasks, and exam preparation.

  7. Access to Learning Resources: Students should have access to a variety of English language resources, including textbooks, supplementary materials, online resources, and opportunities for language practice both inside and outside the classroom.

  8. Motivation and Engagement: Students should be motivated and engaged in their English Language studies, with a genuine interest in improving their language skills and achieving academic success in the subject.

By meeting these requirements and actively engaging in their English Language studies, students can develop advanced language skills, critical thinking abilities, and effective communication skills necessary for success in their academic and professional endeavors.


In Form Four, English Language studies continue to build upon the foundational skills developed in earlier grades. Here's an overview of what students might cover in English Language at this level:

  1. Advanced Reading Comprehension: Students engage with more complex texts, including literary works, non-fiction articles, and informational texts. They practice extracting main ideas, identifying supporting details, and analyzing the author's purpose and tone.

  2. Writing Skills Development: Students further develop their writing skills by composing various types of essays, including argumentative, descriptive, and narrative essays. They focus on organizing their ideas logically, using appropriate vocabulary and grammar, and supporting their arguments with evidence.

  3. Grammar and Syntax: Students continue to refine their understanding of English grammar and syntax, including sentence structure, verb tense usage, subject-verb agreement, and punctuation rules. They apply these rules correctly in their writing and speaking.

  4. Vocabulary Expansion: Students expand their vocabulary by learning new words and phrases encountered in texts and contexts relevant to their academic and everyday lives. They practice using context clues and word analysis strategies to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words.

  5. Speaking and Listening Skills: Students participate in oral presentations, debates, and discussions to enhance their speaking and listening skills. They learn to express themselves clearly and confidently, engage in respectful dialogue, and actively listen to others' perspectives.

  6. Critical Thinking and Analysis: Students develop critical thinking skills by analyzing and evaluating arguments, claims, and evidence presented in various texts. They learn to identify biases, logical fallacies, and persuasive techniques used in written and spoken communication.

  7. Media Literacy: Students learn to critically analyze and interpret information presented in various media formats, including newspapers, magazines, websites, and multimedia presentations. They develop skills to assess the credibility, reliability, and bias of sources.

  8. Exam Preparation: Students prepare for standardized English Language exams by practicing past exam papers, honing exam-taking strategies, and familiarizing themselves with the format and expectations of the exams.

Overall, English Language studies in Form Four aim to equip students with advanced communication skills, critical thinking abilities, and linguistic competence necessary for academic success and effective communication in various personal, social, and professional contexts.
