Economics Form Six
Last updated: April 21, 2024
What i will learn?

The outcomes of studying Economics in Form Six include:

  1. Advanced Understanding of Economic Concepts: Students develop a deep understanding of advanced economic theories and principles, including microeconomics, macroeconomics, and specialized areas such as international trade, development economics, and monetary theory.

  2. Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills: Students enhance their critical thinking and analytical skills, allowing them to evaluate complex economic issues, interpret economic data, and assess the implications of economic policies and decisions.

  3. Research and Data Analysis Skills: Students acquire advanced research skills and proficiency in data analysis techniques, enabling them to conduct independent economic research, analyze economic trends, and present findings effectively.

  4. Policy Analysis and Evaluation: Students learn to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of economic policies, understand their impact on different stakeholders, and propose evidence-based recommendations for policy improvements.

  5. Global Perspectives on Economics: Students gain insights into global economic issues and trends, including international trade, globalization, economic development, and the role of international organizations in shaping the global economy.

  6. Preparation for Tertiary Education: Students are well-prepared for further studies in economics or related fields at the university level, equipped with a solid foundation in economic theory, research methodology, and critical analysis.

  7. Career Readiness: Students develop skills and competencies that are highly valued in the job market, including problem-solving, communication, and teamwork, preparing them for diverse career opportunities in economics, finance, public policy, international development, and business.

  8. Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility: Students recognize the social and ethical dimensions of economic issues and understand their role as informed citizens in promoting economic justice, equity, and sustainability.

  9. Lifelong Learning and Adaptability: Students cultivate a lifelong passion for learning and adaptability to changing economic environments, empowering them to navigate complex economic challenges and contribute positively to society throughout their lives.

Overall, the study of Economics in Form Six equips students with advanced knowledge, skills, and perspectives to understand, analyze, and address complex economic issues, preparing them for success in higher education, careers, and active citizenship in a globalized world.


The requirements for studying Economics in Form Six include:

  1. Prior Knowledge: Students should have a strong foundation in economics concepts and principles acquired from previous levels of study, such as Form Four and Form Five Economics courses.

  2. Academic Background: Students are typically required to have a minimum level of academic achievement, often demonstrated through performance in relevant subjects like Mathematics, English, and Social Studies.

  3. Analytical Skills: Strong analytical skills are essential for studying Economics at the Form Six level, as students will be expected to critically evaluate economic theories, data, and policies.

  4. Mathematical Proficiency: A good understanding of mathematical concepts is necessary for analyzing economic data and solving quantitative problems encountered in economic analysis.

  5. Reading and Writing Skills: Students should have proficient reading comprehension and writing skills to engage with complex economic texts, research papers, and reports.

  6. Curiosity and Interest: A genuine interest in economic issues and a curiosity to explore economic theories and their real-world applications are important for success in studying Economics at the Form Six level.

  7. Research Skills: Basic research skills are required to gather, analyze, and interpret economic data from various sources, including textbooks, academic journals, government reports, and online databases.

  8. Time Management: Form Six studies can be demanding, so students need to have good time management skills to balance their coursework, assignments, and exam preparation effectively.

  9. Ethical Conduct: Students should demonstrate ethical conduct in their academic work, including integrity in citing sources, avoiding plagiarism, and adhering to academic honesty principles.

By meeting these requirements, students can effectively engage with the study of Economics at the Form Six level and develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for success in higher education and future careers in economics or related fields.


In Form Six, Economics further deepens students' understanding of economic principles and theories, preparing them for advanced studies in economics or related fields at the tertiary level. Here are the key outcomes of studying Economics in Form Six:

  1. Advanced Economic Theory: Students develop a thorough understanding of advanced economic theories and models, including microeconomic and macroeconomic concepts, such as market structures, welfare economics, economic growth, and monetary theory.

  2. Economic Analysis: Students acquire advanced analytical skills to critically evaluate economic issues, policies, and data using quantitative and qualitative methods. They learn to apply economic models to real-world situations and analyze the implications of various economic decisions.

  3. Policy Analysis and Evaluation: Students learn to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of economic policies, including fiscal policy, monetary policy, trade policy, and regulatory policies. They understand how economic policies impact different stakeholders and evaluate their long-term consequences.

  4. Economic Research Skills: Students develop advanced research skills to conduct independent economic research, including formulating research questions, collecting and analyzing data, and presenting findings in written reports or presentations.

  5. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Students enhance their critical thinking skills by examining economic issues from multiple perspectives and proposing innovative solutions to complex economic problems. They learn to evaluate trade-offs and make informed decisions based on economic analysis.

  6. Global Economic Perspectives: Students gain insights into global economic issues, such as international trade, globalization, economic development, and the role of international organizations like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

  7. Professional Development: Students develop skills necessary for success in careers related to economics, finance, public policy, international development, and business. They learn to communicate effectively, work collaboratively, and adapt to changing economic environments.

  8. Preparation for Tertiary Education: Students are well-prepared for further studies in economics or related fields at the university level. They have a solid foundation in economic theory and methodology, which enables them to pursue specialized areas of interest within economics or related disciplines.

  9. Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility: Students develop an awareness of the social and ethical dimensions of economic issues and recognize their role as informed citizens in promoting economic justice, equity, and sustainability.

Overall, the study of Economics in Form Six equips students with advanced knowledge, skills, and perspectives to understand, analyze, and address complex economic challenges in a globalized world. It prepares them for diverse career opportunities and empowers them to contribute positively to society through informed economic decision-making and policy advocacy.
