Biology Form One
Last updated: March 14, 2024
What i will learn?

The outcomes of studying Biology in Form One include:

  1. Foundational Knowledge: Students develop a foundational understanding of basic biological concepts, including the structure and function of living organisms, cellular processes, and ecological principles.

  2. Scientific Inquiry Skills: Students learn to apply the scientific method, including observation, experimentation, data analysis, and interpretation, to investigate biological phenomena and solve problems.

  3. Critical Thinking Abilities: Through the study of Biology, students develop critical thinking skills, including the ability to analyze and evaluate evidence, make connections between concepts, and draw logical conclusions.

  4. Awareness of Diversity: Students gain an appreciation for the diversity of life on Earth, including the variety of organisms, ecosystems, and evolutionary processes that shape the natural world.

  5. Environmental Awareness: Students become more aware of environmental issues and the impact of human activities on ecosystems and biodiversity, fostering a sense of responsibility for conservation and sustainable living.

  6. Health Literacy: Students learn about the human body, health-related issues, and the importance of adopting healthy behaviors to maintain physical and mental well-being.

  7. Ethical Awareness: Students develop an understanding of ethical considerations in biological research and applications, including the responsible use of biotechnology and the importance of respecting living organisms and their habitats.

  8. Career Opportunities: By studying Biology, students gain insight into various career paths in the life sciences, including medicine, research, conservation, agriculture, and environmental management.

  9. Life Skills: Studying Biology helps students develop important life skills such as problem-solving, teamwork, communication, and decision-making, which are valuable in both academic and real-world settings.

Overall, the study of Biology in Form One equips students with essential knowledge, skills, and attitudes to better understand the natural world, make informed decisions, and contribute positively to society and the environment.


The requirements for studying Biology in Form One include:

  1. Basic Science Knowledge: Students should have a basic understanding of scientific concepts and terminology.

  2. Reading and Comprehension Skills: Students need to be able to read and comprehend complex scientific texts, diagrams, and charts.

  3. Analytical Skills: Students should possess analytical skills to interpret data, make observations, and draw conclusions based on experimental evidence.

  4. Curiosity and Interest: A genuine interest in the natural world and living organisms is essential for studying Biology effectively.

  5. Critical Thinking Abilities: Students should be able to critically evaluate information, theories, and hypotheses in the field of biology.

  6. Laboratory Skills (if applicable): Depending on the curriculum, students may need basic laboratory skills to perform experiments and demonstrations.

  7. Note-Taking Skills: Effective note-taking skills are important for organizing and retaining information learned in class and during laboratory sessions.

  8. Attendance and Participation: Regular attendance and active participation in class discussions, laboratory activities, and field trips are essential for success in Biology.

  9. Respectful Behavior: Students should demonstrate respect for their peers, teachers, and the living organisms they study, including adherence to ethical guidelines for experimentation and observation.

By meeting these requirements, students can effectively engage with the study of Biology and develop a solid foundation in the life sciences.


In Form One, Biology introduces students to the fundamental concepts of life sciences. Here's an outline of what students typically learn in Biology for Form One:

  1. Introduction to Biology: Students learn about the scope and importance of biology, including the scientific method and the role of biology in addressing real-world issues.

  2. Cell Biology: Students study the structure and function of cells, including cell organelles, cell division, and the differences between plant and animal cells.

  3. Organization of Living Things: Students learn about the hierarchical organization of living organisms, including cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems.

  4. Nutrition and Digestion: Students study the nutritional requirements of living organisms and the process of digestion, absorption, and assimilation of food.

  5. Respiration: Students learn about the process of respiration, including aerobic and anaerobic respiration, and the importance of oxygen in cellular metabolism.

  6. Transport in Living Organisms: Students learn about the transport systems in plants and animals, including the circulatory system and the vascular system in plants.

  7. Excretion and Homeostasis: Students study the excretory system and its role in maintaining internal balance and eliminating metabolic wastes from the body.

  8. Reproduction in Plants and Animals: Students learn about the reproductive systems of plants and animals, including sexual and asexual reproduction, fertilization, and development.

  9. Genetics and Heredity: Students study the principles of genetics, including inheritance patterns, genetic variation, and the role of genes in determining traits.

  10. Ecology: Students learn about ecosystems, biotic and abiotic factors, and ecological relationships, including symbiosis, predation, and competition.

  11. Conservation Biology: Students learn about the importance of biodiversity, conservation strategies, and the impact of human activities on the environment.

Through these topics, students develop a foundational understanding of biology and its relevance to everyday life and the environment. They also develop critical thinking and scientific inquiry skills essential for further studies in biology and related fields.
