Civics Form Two
Last updated: March 24, 2024
What i will learn?

The completion of Civics Form Two aims to elevate students' understanding, skills, and readiness for active citizenship, building on the foundations laid in Civics Form One. Here are the anticipated outcomes for students who engage thoroughly with the Civics Form Two curriculum:

1. Deepened Understanding of Civic and Political Systems

  • Students will have an enriched understanding of how various political and government systems function, including the complexities of international relations and global governance.

2. Advanced Knowledge of Human Rights and Social Justice

  • A comprehensive grasp of human rights principles, including the ability to identify and critically evaluate issues of inequality, discrimination, and social justice.

3. Enhanced Critical Thinking and Analytical Abilities

  • Improved skills in analyzing civic and political issues critically, with the ability to evaluate arguments, evidence, and sources for bias and credibility.

4. Effective Communication and Debate Skills

  • Advanced ability to articulate thoughts, arguments, and analyses clearly and persuasively, both in writing and orally, including in formal debate settings.

5. Active and Informed Participation in Civic Life

  • Preparedness and motivation to participate in democratic processes, community service, and other forms of civic engagement, with a clear understanding of the impact of such participation.

6. Global Citizenship and Awareness

  • An awareness of global issues and a sense of responsibility as global citizens, with an understanding of how local actions can have global implications.

7. Ethical Decision-Making and Leadership

  • The ability to make informed and ethical decisions, considering both personal and societal well-being, and to demonstrate leadership in civic initiatives.

8. Problem-Solving and Initiative

  • Enhanced problem-solving skills, with the creativity and initiative to address community and societal issues, and to propose innovative solutions.

9. Commitment to Environmental Stewardship

  • A commitment to sustainable living and environmental protection, recognizing the role of individuals and governments in addressing climate change and other environmental challenges.

10. Preparedness for Further Education and Civic Action

  • A solid foundation for further education in civics, social sciences, or related fields, and for active, informed participation in civic life beyond the classroom.

These outcomes not only contribute to the development of well-rounded, informed individuals but also prepare students to be active, engaged citizens capable of contributing positively to their communities and the broader world. The Civics Form Two curriculum is designed to foster a deeper sense of responsibility, empowerment, and the skills necessary for civic action and leadership.


For students progressing to Civics Form Two, building upon the foundational knowledge from Civics Form One, there are specific requirements and supports necessary to ensure a fruitful learning experience. These requirements are aimed at deepening their understanding and enhancing their abilities to engage with more complex civic concepts and challenges:

1. Foundational Knowledge from Civics Form One

  • A solid grasp of basic civics concepts, including government structures, civic rights and responsibilities, and the basics of participation in civic life.

2. Enhanced Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills

  • Ability to not only understand complex issues but to analyze and critique them from multiple perspectives.

3. Advanced Research Skills

  • Proficiency in conducting more sophisticated research, including the ability to evaluate sources for bias and credibility.

4. Developed Communication Skills

  • Improved writing and speaking skills to articulate complex ideas clearly and persuasively.
  • Enhanced ability to participate in debates and discussions, presenting reasoned arguments effectively.

5. Emotional and Social Intelligence

  • Increased empathy and the ability to understand diverse viewpoints.
  • Skills in collaborative work and conflict resolution, important for group projects and discussions.

6. Global Awareness

  • Basic understanding of global issues and international relations, preparing students for topics on global citizenship and international organizations.

7. Ethical Reasoning

  • Ability to engage with ethical dilemmas and questions of social justice, reflecting on personal values and societal norms.

8. Commitment to Civic Engagement

  • A readiness to involve oneself in civic activities beyond the classroom, showing initiative in community service, environmental stewardship, or other forms of civic action.

9. Responsibility and Independence

  • A higher degree of self-motivation and discipline in managing study schedules, project deadlines, and preparation for assessments.

10. Openness to Learning and Personal Growth

  • An open-minded approach to learning, willing to challenge one’s own beliefs and to grow from feedback and new experiences.

Meeting these requirements enables students to tackle the more demanding curriculum of Civics Form Two, fostering a deeper and more nuanced understanding of their roles as citizens in a complex and interconnected world. This preparation is crucial for empowering students to take informed actions and to lead change in their communities and beyond.


Civics Form Two builds upon the foundational knowledge and skills acquired in Civics Form One, delving deeper into the complexities of governance, civic duties, human rights, and the global community. This level typically focuses on expanding students' understanding of civic concepts and encouraging more sophisticated analytical and critical thinking about social and political issues. Here’s what Civics Form Two often includes:

1. Advanced Government and Political Systems

  • Detailed study of the functions and structures of government at local, national, and international levels.
  • Exploration of different political ideologies and systems around the world.

2. Human Rights and Responsibilities

  • Comprehensive understanding of universal human rights and the importance of protecting these rights.
  • Examination of historical and contemporary issues related to human rights violations and the role of international organizations in upholding rights.

3. Economic Systems and Civic Participation

  • Introduction to basic economic principles and the impact of economics on citizens' lives and government policy.
  • Discussion on the role of citizens in an economy, including concepts like taxation, government spending, and welfare.

4. Global Citizenship and International Relations

  • Understanding of global interdependence and the importance of global citizenship in addressing international challenges.
  • Study of international organizations, such as the United Nations, and their role in world affairs.

5. Civic Engagement and Leadership

  • Deeper exploration of ways to participate in civic life, including leadership roles in community projects and engagement in democratic processes.
  • Encouragement of personal development in leadership, communication, and collaborative skills.

6. Environmental Stewardship

  • Examination of the relationship between civic responsibilities and environmental issues.
  • Discussion on the role of citizens and governments in promoting sustainability and addressing climate change.

7. Ethics, Values, and Social Justice

  • Further discussion on ethical considerations in civic life, including debates on moral dilemmas faced by citizens and leaders.
  • Study of social justice issues, including inequality, discrimination, and strategies for promoting equity and inclusiveness in society.

8. Critical Issues in the Modern World

  • Analysis of current global issues, such as migration, technology’s impact on society, and public health challenges.
  • Encouragement to think critically about solutions to these issues from a civic perspective.

9. Skills for Active Citizenship

  • Development of advanced skills necessary for effective citizenship, including critical thinking, problem-solving, and informed decision-making.

10. Preparing for Civic Action

  • Projects and activities designed to prepare students for active involvement in their communities and the wider world, promoting a sense of agency and the ability to effect change.

Civics Form Two aims to deepen students' engagement with civic life, preparing them not only to understand their role in society but also to actively participate in shaping a more just, sustainable, and democratic world.
