English Std Three
Last updated: March 4, 2024
What i will learn?

The outcomes of learning English in Standard Three include:

  1. Basic Language Proficiency: Students develop a foundational level of proficiency in English, including vocabulary acquisition, basic grammar understanding, and the ability to understand and produce simple sentences.

  2. Reading Comprehension: Students improve their reading comprehension skills by understanding simple texts, identifying main ideas, and extracting key information from written materials.

  3. Writing Skills: Students begin to express themselves in writing by composing simple sentences, short paragraphs, and stories. They learn basic writing conventions such as spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.

  4. Listening and Speaking Skills: Students enhance their listening and speaking skills through classroom discussions, listening to stories, and participating in oral activities. They learn to follow instructions, ask questions, and communicate ideas effectively.

  5. Cultural Awareness: Through exposure to English language materials, students develop an awareness and appreciation of different cultures and perspectives, broadening their worldview.

  6. Confidence and Motivation: As students make progress in their English language skills, they gain confidence in their abilities and become more motivated to continue learning and improving.

  7. Preparation for Further Learning: By building a solid foundation in English language skills, students are better prepared to tackle more complex language tasks in subsequent grades and to engage with English language content in other subject areas.

Overall, the outcomes of learning English in Standard Three set the stage for continued language development and academic success in future years of schooling.


The requirements for students to effectively learn English in Standard Three include:

  1. A Positive Learning Environment: Students need a supportive and conducive environment for learning, including a well-equipped classroom with resources such as books, reading materials, and educational aids.

  2. Motivation and Engagement: Students should be motivated and engaged in the learning process. Teachers can achieve this by incorporating interactive and hands-on activities, games, and storytelling into their lessons.

  3. Basic Literacy Skills: Students should have foundational literacy skills in their native language, including letter recognition, phonemic awareness, and basic reading and writing abilities. These skills provide a basis for learning English.

  4. Qualified Teachers: Effective English instruction requires qualified and skilled teachers who are proficient in English language teaching methodologies and techniques appropriate for young learners.

  5. Access to Learning Materials: Students need access to age-appropriate English language textbooks, workbooks, storybooks, and other supplementary materials to support their learning.

  6. Parental Support: Parental involvement and support play a crucial role in a child's language development. Parents can support their children's English learning by encouraging reading at home, practicing vocabulary, and providing opportunities for language practice.

  7. Consistent Practice: Regular practice is essential for language acquisition. Students should have opportunities to practice reading, writing, listening, and speaking English both in and out of the classroom.

By meeting these requirements and providing a nurturing and stimulating learning environment, students can develop their English language skills effectively during their time in Standard Three.


For students in Standard Three, English lessons typically focus on building foundational skills in the English language. Here's a brief description of what English lessons for Standard Three might entail:

1. Basic Vocabulary: Students learn and expand their vocabulary with simple words and phrases related to everyday life, objects, actions, and places.

2. Reading Comprehension: Students begin to read short stories, passages, and simple texts with guidance. They focus on understanding the main idea, identifying key details, and making connections between the text and their own experiences.

3. Phonics and Spelling: Phonics instruction helps students understand the relationship between letters and sounds, aiding in reading and spelling. They learn to decode words using phonetic rules and patterns.

4. Grammar Basics: Students are introduced to basic grammar concepts such as sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, verb tenses (present, past, and future), and parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives).

5. Writing Skills: Students begin to express themselves through writing by composing simple sentences, short paragraphs, and creative stories. They practice forming letters and writing neatly.

6. Listening and Speaking: Students develop their listening and speaking skills by participating in classroom discussions, listening to stories, and following oral instructions. They learn to articulate their thoughts and ideas clearly.

7. Language Activities: Language activities such as word games, rhymes, songs, and storytelling engage students and reinforce language skills in a fun and interactive way.

Overall, English lessons in Standard Three aim to lay a solid foundation for language development, literacy, and communication skills, preparing students for more advanced learning in subsequent grades.
