English Form One
Last updated: March 24, 2024
What i will learn?

For Form I students in Tanzania embarking on their English language studies under the national curriculum, the program is designed to achieve specific educational outcomes. By the end of the academic year, students are expected to reach several key milestones in their understanding and use of the English language, as well as in their appreciation of literature. Here are the anticipated outcomes:

Language Proficiency

  • Improved Grammar and Vocabulary: Students will have a solid understanding of basic grammar and an expanded vocabulary, enabling them to construct sentences correctly and express ideas more clearly.
  • Enhanced Reading Skills: Ability to read and comprehend English texts at an appropriate level, identifying main ideas, supporting details, and inferred meanings.
  • Development of Writing Skills: Competence in writing clear and coherent sentences and paragraphs on familiar topics, demonstrating control over basic writing conventions.
  • Listening and Speaking: Improved listening comprehension skills and the ability to participate in conversations on familiar subjects, expressing opinions and asking questions with increasing confidence.

Literary Appreciation

  • Introduction to Literature: Students will gain an initial appreciation for literature through the study of selected short stories and poems, understanding basic literary devices and themes.
  • Analytical Skills: Development of basic analytical skills, allowing students to discuss characters, plot, and settings of simple literary texts, and to respond to literature both emotionally and intellectually.

Communication and Critical Thinking

  • Effective Communication: Ability to communicate ideas effectively in English, both orally and in written form, in a variety of contexts.
  • Critical Thinking Enhancement: Beginning to use English as a medium for thinking critically about texts and verbal communication, analyzing information, and solving problems.

Academic and Personal Growth

  • Academic Success: Foundation for success in future English language studies and other subjects where English is the medium of instruction.
  • Cultural Awareness: Increased awareness of different cultures and perspectives through exposure to literature and language use, fostering a more inclusive worldview.
  • Self-expression and Confidence: Greater confidence in self-expression and public speaking, facilitating personal growth and the ability to articulate thoughts and feelings more effectively.

Preparedness for Future Learning

  • Readiness for Advanced Studies: Preparedness for more advanced English studies in subsequent forms, with a strong foundation in language basics, reading comprehension, and writing.
  • Lifelong Learning Skills: Cultivation of habits and skills for lifelong learning, including reading for pleasure and educational advancement.

Achieving these outcomes will equip Form I students in Tanzania with the essential English language skills needed for their academic journey and beyond, laying a strong foundation for further education, personal development, and future career opportunities.


For Form I students in Tanzania embarking on their English studies, the curriculum is structured to ensure a solid foundation in the English language. The following are key requirements designed to facilitate this learning journey:

Academic Prerequisites

  • Completion of Primary Education: Students should have completed their primary education, having been introduced to basic English language concepts.
  • Basic Reading and Writing Skills: A foundational ability in reading and writing in English is expected, allowing students to engage with the curriculum effectively.

Materials and Resources

  • Textbooks: Official textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education that cover the Form I English curriculum, including grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing exercises.
  • Literary Texts: A selection of simple literary works, such as short stories and poems, that align with the curriculum's introductory literary studies.
  • Writing Supplies: Notebooks, pens, pencils, and erasers for taking notes and completing assignments.
  • English Dictionary: A basic English dictionary to aid vocabulary development and understanding of new words.

Classroom Engagement

  • Active Participation: Students are encouraged to actively participate in class activities, discussions, and exercises to enhance their language skills.
  • Homework and Assignments: Regular completion of homework and assignments to reinforce classroom learning and provide practice in writing and comprehension.
  • Group Work: Engagement in group activities and projects to improve collaborative skills and encourage peer learning.

Skills Development

  • Language Proficiency: Emphasis on building proficiency in grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, and the four key language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
  • Communication Skills: Development of effective oral and written communication skills, including the ability to express ideas clearly and participate in discussions.
  • Literary Appreciation: Introduction to literary appreciation skills, fostering an enjoyment of literature through the exploration of themes, characters, and narratives in selected texts.

Evaluation and Assessment

  • Continuous Assessment: Regular assessments through quizzes, classwork, and participation to monitor progress and provide feedback.
  • End-of-Term Examinations: Formal examinations at the end of each term to assess students' understanding and mastery of the curriculum content, including language skills and literary knowledge.

Additional Considerations

  • Reading Habit: Encouragement to develop a habit of reading beyond the classroom to enhance language acquisition and exposure to different writing styles and genres.
  • Language Immersion: Opportunities for language immersion through English clubs, debates, and drama societies to practice English in various contexts.

These requirements aim to support Form I students in Tanzania as they begin their secondary education journey, laying the groundwork for comprehensive English language proficiency and a lifelong appreciation for literature.


The English curriculum for Form I in Tanzanian secondary schools, under the guidance of the National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA), marks the beginning of secondary education and lays the foundational skills in English language proficiency. This year is crucial as students transition from primary to secondary education, often experiencing a shift in teaching styles, expectations, and curriculum depth. Here's an overview of the key components and objectives of the Form I English curriculum:

Core Objectives

  • Language Skills Development: Enhance basic skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The focus is on building a solid foundation in grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure.
  • Reading Comprehension: Foster the ability to understand and interpret written texts. This includes identifying main ideas, supporting details, and the writer’s intent.
  • Communication Skills: Encourage effective oral and written communication. Students learn to express their ideas clearly and participate in conversations and discussions.
  • Introduction to Literature: Begin exposure to simple literary texts, such as short stories and poems, to develop an appreciation for literature and its various elements.

Curriculum Content

  • Grammar and Vocabulary: Introduction to the parts of speech, tenses, and other grammatical structures. Vocabulary exercises aim to expand students’ range of language for both general and academic use.
  • Writing Skills: Basic writing skills, including sentence construction, paragraph writing, and simple compositions. Emphasis is placed on coherence, structure, and clarity.
  • Listening and Speaking: Activities designed to improve listening comprehension and spoken English, including pronunciation, articulation, and fluency.
  • Reading Practices: Includes reading passages, short stories, and poems to improve reading speed, comprehension, and the ability to analyze texts.
  • Literature: Introduction to the elements of literature through selected short stories and poems, focusing on themes, characterization, plot, and moral lessons.

Expected Outcomes

By the end of Form I, students are expected to:

  • Demonstrate improved proficiency in basic English language skills.
  • Show confidence in their ability to communicate in English, both orally and in writing.
  • Exhibit a foundational understanding of literary elements and show enjoyment in engaging with simple literary texts.
  • Develop critical thinking and analytical skills through the reading and discussion of texts.


  • Continuous assessment through quizzes, classwork, and homework to monitor progress.
  • End-of-term examinations to evaluate students' understanding and mastery of the curriculum content.

The Form I English curriculum in Tanzania is designed to build a strong foundation in the English language, preparing students for more advanced studies in subsequent years and helping them become effective communicators in both their academic and everyday lives.
